When I look back at my 20s, I remember being at a crossroads. I was navigating the complexities of life and relationships, still trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted. During that time, I met Dr. Jackie, a therapist who would go on to play an instrumental role in my life. Over the past three decades, she has been there through the highs and lows, helping me navigate personal and professional challenges with a sense of clarity I didn’t know I needed.
At first, I had reservations about therapy. I didn’t want to become dependent on someone else’s advice, to always feel like I needed to lean on a therapist to make sense of my life. But as the years passed, I realized something profound: I often waited too long before seeking help. I would let things reach a crisis point before reaching out, which is how I found myself sitting in Dr. Jackie’s living room for the first time, reeling from a breakup. I thought I wanted out of the relationship, but when the reality hit, I was clinging to it, moving mountains to hold on to something that had run its course. That was the first time I recognized a pattern in myself—a need to preserve things I no longer needed.
That session was a turning point. I started to unpack my behaviors, tracing them back to childhood, where so much of our subconscious programming begins. Over the next five months, I began the slow process of unraveling those tapes, rewiring the way I operated. Like many people in their 20s, I was eager to take what I had learned and immediately apply it, thinking I could sidestep future pitfalls. But, of course, life doesn’t work that way.
Through the years, I would go back to Dr. Jackie when things fell apart—almost always when romance was involved. I’d wait until the last minute, hoping to fix things that were beyond repair. But then I tried something different. Instead of waiting until I was in crisis, I reached out to her at the beginning of a new relationship. It was her idea to start things off on the right foot rather than calling her when the walls were caving in. That relationship didn’t last, but the approach shifted something in me. I began to see the value in seeking guidance before the storm hit, rather than trying to weather it alone.

Storytelling, I’ve learned, has the power to save us. It reminds us that we’re not alone, that our experiences—while personal—are shared by so many others.

Over time, Dr. Jackie became more than just a therapist. She became a trusted advisor—a life coach of sorts—someone I could turn to for guidance on everything from personal matters to business decisions. I’ve asked her for advice on where to move, what kind of business cards to order, and even how to navigate professional challenges. Her wisdom has been a guiding force, helping me stay grounded through the ups and downs. And while I haven’t always been the man I aspire to be, I’ve managed to keep moving forward, keeping the wheels on the bus.
So why am I sharing all of this now? As I prepare to launch The Majestic Man, my new editorial project, I find myself reflecting on why I’m stepping into this space. For years, I’ve quietly nurtured two passions: photography and writing. Photography has always been a love of mine, born from my admiration with fashion and countless hours spent in darkrooms during my teenage years. Writing, on the other hand, comes from my love of storytelling—a passion sparked by family gatherings, campfire tales during my Boy Scout days, and the joy of hearing life’s stories unfold from my nearest and dearest.
Storytelling, I’ve learned, has the power to save us. It reminds us that we’re not alone, that our experiences—while personal—are shared by so many others. As I stand on the brink of this new venture, I’m reminded of a question Dr. Jackie asked me years ago: “Are you being your most brilliant self?” That question has stayed with me, influencing every decision I’ve made since.

I believe we all deserve to be majestic, to tap into the brilliance that lies within us.

It’s also why I chose the word majestic for this new endeavor. I’ve always been captivated by majestic mountains—their beauty, their grandeur, their quiet wisdom. To me, life is filled with majestic moments, from the smallest details, like a ladybug crawling up my arm, to the awe-inspiring views of the mountains surrounding my home. I believe we all deserve to be majestic, to tap into the brilliance that lies within us.
As I step into The Majestic Man, I want to share that sense of brilliance with others. I often sign off my messages with “keep shining bright,” and that’s exactly what this new chapter is about—helping others step into their brilliance.
Launching this project, I’ve thought about a thousand different ways to do it. I considered marketing plans, websites, PR strategies, and more. But in the end, I decided to simply take the plunge. I told myself: “Just get something out there, Salgardo.” So here I am, leaving no dreams on the table, stepping into this new venture the same way I’ve approached everything else in life—with a humble heart, a passion for learning, and a desire to help others unlock their brilliance.
So to anyone reading this, welcome. I’m honored to have you on this journey with me. Let’s embrace the majestic moments together, and may we all continue to shine bright.

Read this article and others by Chris on Substack.